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Extracorporeal shock wave therapy: update – state of the art

Live webinar

Dienstag, 21.04.2020

Prof. Dr. Ludger Gerdesmeyer veranstaltet am Dienstag, den 21.04.2020, von 18 bis 19 Uhr einen Online-Kongress mit Live Webinar zum Thema „Extracorporeal shock wave therapy: update – state of the art„.

Über diesen Link können Sie sich für das Webinar registrieren.

„In this live webinar Prof. Dr. Ludger Gerdesmeyer will present recent science and techniques in shock wave therapy. Standard indication and treatment modalities will be explained as well as innovative new indications. ESWT is now known as an essential part of »Physical Tissue Engineering«. Additional treatment options in combination with shock wave give excellent results. This concept of »Soft Tissue Engineering« will be explained and discussed by Prof. Dr. Ludger Gerdesmeyer.“

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